Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I am a runner! I may not avidly track my mileage, time, heart rate, elevation, electrolyte levels... and I could go on and on with the plethora of different gadgets and gizmos a plenty runners use to make themselves feel "official."  Instead, I am on a constant search for flashy clothes, funny sunglasses and the best off the wall music to keep me truckin through those 10-minute miles I pound out on the streets of  Denver. So, when I discovered an old New Kids on the Block shirt that was my sisters circa 1990, I obviously added it to my wardrobe of running gear. That discovery brings me to this the story of the birth of my Wahlberg Wednesdays!

One day while was hoofing it up 17th in Denver headed to my loop in city park,"Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch randomly began tantalizing my eardrums while I was wearing my NKOTB top. Epiphany! I was all kinds of Wahlberged out. Donny (Danny, Joe, Jon, Jordan) on my shirt and Marky Mark in my ear. I knew it was a had to be, right? So, I purposely continued the tradition. Not all the time, but sometimes there are those special days that I make a NKOTB mixed with Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch mix (mostly NKOTB, because shockingly enough "Good Vibrations" is really the only hit of the latter) and hit the pavement.

To those of you out there that want to have the same level of excitement in your mundane workout as I do, go dust off some old clothes boxes, find some vintage NKOTB top, Pinterest project that into a tank and work it out. If you aren't a runner, don't worry! You can spruce up a bike ride or even a whirl on the elliptical at the gym. There are no rules with Wahlberg's all about letting those boys ease the pain of your arduous workouts.

Here are a few upbeat selections for your themed playlist:

Good vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
The Right Stuff by New Kids on the Block
Hanging tough by New Kids on the Block
Step by Step by New Kids on the Block
Cover Girl by New Kids on the Block

Wild Side by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch


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