Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Into the Gap

There have been times in my running life that if I didn't have music to listen to, I was virtually UNABLE to get through a workout. No joke! Maybe emberassing to admit, but I have skipped a run for that reason alone. I have to have beer with my chicken wings and I have to have a fun playlist while I run. Weird comparison, but true! Some thngs just don't work without the other.

So, yesterday when I drove into the beautiful foothills to go trail running, I was struck with utter panic when I realized that I had no signal on my phone to listen to music and didn't have my IPod. After about 10 minutes of tearing through my car looking for the IPod that I swore I had packed, I decided (VERY against my will) that I had to hit the trail in horrifying silence.

I was internally yelling at myself for the first few minutes, but the fantastic views and trails of people were a complete distraction from my normal music filled run. I was saying "GOOD MORNING" to anyone who passed in a tone that would have made most think I just won the lottery. I don't know if it was the day, the view, or the out of the norm actions of the day, but it was one of the most fun runs I've had in a very long time.

Moral: Do something out of the ordinary...cause it could be the best thing to happen to you today!

OH! I also have no idea why I named this blog what I did!

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